Ruth's Cantankerous Pragmatic Ramblings

Sunday, April 16, 2006

What happened to teaching kids manners?

I'm the first person to agree that kids ought to be allowed to act like kids and have fun. Along with that though, comes teaching them when to be quiet and respectful of other people. Case in point, some brought their kids into work today. How did I know? I could hear them from 40 yards away... squealing and squeaking and squawking... as if they were from Dr Doolittle's last cast. I don't know how young or old they were... but I do know that whatever parent/grandparent brought them in should be silencing them and teaching them to use their 'inside voice' like even the dog on TV has been taught to do. I do know that my mother or grandmother would not have allowed this behavior, interrupting people as they are trying to work. I guess they brought the kids in to see where Mommy or Daddy works.... or perhaps the babysitter or Grandma was taking them shopping or the like and stopped by for a few moments... Ahhh finally, I heard someone Shhh them... after all this time (at least 15 minutes now) I thought perhaps that word (Shhh) had been eliminated from the American Parent's Language. Please... if you have kids, and you take them into the office... inform them AHEAD of time that they will have to be quiet and careful to not disturb others that are working... at least I should be working instead of writing this... and I Would be... if I could concentrate. Maybe it's time for lunch...


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